Sunday, December 4, 2011

More Progress on Cardboard Chair!

 In the picture to the right, we are placing rows of cardboard into slits that we cut into the legs of our chairs to help support the weight of the seat.  
 In the picture above, we are rolling cardboard to place in between the legs of our chair to help support the weight.
 In this picture above, we are now placing our rolled cardboard in between the legs of the chair. This is to help the legs stay sturdy to be able to hold you up.
 In the picture above, we are all cutting slits into the legs of our chair so that we can place rows of cardboard in between them for support.
To the right, we are placing the seat, where your bottom will go, above the rows of cardboard slits we put into the legs.

This is also a picture of us placing cardboard into our slits above.

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