Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Acceleration and Force Skate Board Experiment (Rolley Chair)

The lesser amount of force you put onto an object, the harder it is to push that object. This means it will go slower. The more amount of force you put on an object, the easier it is to push, and the faster it goes. If you are on a skate board, and you are pushing someone in a rollie chair, and someone is behind you on the skateboard pushing you, then when the person on the skateboard pushes the chair after being released by the person pushing them from behind, the person in the chair will continue to go, and the person on the skateboard will stop. The reason why is because you are pushing negatively while you are accelerating positively, so this makes you stop. Also, if the person in the chair, has a greater mass than you do, then that also makes you stop accelerating foward. The more mass there is on an object, the harder it is to push also. The lighter the object, the easier it is to make that object go faster. While pushing someone in a rolling chair, if you push them slowly, the force on your hands will be different then if you were to push them fast.

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