Sunday, October 30, 2011

Inertia Trick

The purpose of this experiment is to show a trick using inertia. The materials needed for the trick I chose, are a coin, a card (like playing cards. solitare cards), and a video camera. What you do is place the card on your index finger with the coin centered in the middle of the card, while it is on your finger. You must balance it in order for it to stay put. Then, once it is balanced, "thump" the card with your fingers. (In other words, flick the card). Once you have done this, and you did it correctly, the coin should stay put on your index finger. If it did, then your inertia trick turned out correctly and you just proved inertia! Whoohoo!
Here is the video of me showing this Inertia Trick:

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friction Lab Report

Procedures: (1)
-gather all materials (small block of wood and a larger block of wood)
-place sand paper on one side of the small block of wood
-weigh the small block of wood
-place the block with the sand paper on the side onto the larger block of wood and angle the wood until the wood falls off.
-measure the angle of where the wood fell off.
-do the same for the block of wood that does not have the sand paper
-draw a free body diagram
-place all of you information(angles) onto the diagram
-use cosine and sin to get the vectors
-use cosine and sin for both of the different angles
-now draw two more free body diagrams.
-place the new information onto it.
-now use the formula U=Ff/Fn
-this will give you the new vectors for friction. (use this formula for both diagrams) are finished :)

Go to this website :)

Above are our calculations.Below is the smooth side falling off the ramp. 

(4) Conclusions
In conclusion, I learned how to find the friction of an object just by determining the angle of which it fell off of something, and then plugging it into various forms of equation. If we would have plugged either the opposite or hypotenuse into the wrong place, then our answers would have been wrong. This meaning that the vectors that we got would have been wrong, and friction would be wrong. You have to pay close attention to what information goes where. You can use this type of principle to determine the friction of speed a car was going before it wrecked. The cops could use this information to determine if the speed was legal or illegal. So therefore, the friction experiment is very useful.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Acceleration and Force Skate Board Experiment (Rolley Chair)

The lesser amount of force you put onto an object, the harder it is to push that object. This means it will go slower. The more amount of force you put on an object, the easier it is to push, and the faster it goes. If you are on a skate board, and you are pushing someone in a rollie chair, and someone is behind you on the skateboard pushing you, then when the person on the skateboard pushes the chair after being released by the person pushing them from behind, the person in the chair will continue to go, and the person on the skateboard will stop. The reason why is because you are pushing negatively while you are accelerating positively, so this makes you stop. Also, if the person in the chair, has a greater mass than you do, then that also makes you stop accelerating foward. The more mass there is on an object, the harder it is to push also. The lighter the object, the easier it is to make that object go faster. While pushing someone in a rolling chair, if you push them slowly, the force on your hands will be different then if you were to push them fast.